Mtk news membership toolkit
Mtk news membership toolkit

mtk news membership toolkit

Co- Vice Presidents - shall act as aids to the co-presidents and shall perform the duties of the co-presidents in the absence or inability of those officers to serve.They shall act as liaison between the Board and the Principal. They shall appoint the chairpersons of all standing committees and shall be members ex officio of all committees. They shall have general supervision of affairs. Co-Presidents - shall preside over all meetings of the PTO and Board.All officers shall deliver to their successors all official materials within ten (10) days following the end of the school year. A minimum of one (1) new officer must be elected to the Board each year, and at least two (2) officers on the Board must have a minimum of one (1) year experience.Įlected Board Members - All officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and those assigned throughout their terms of office.Otherwise, an officer must resign from the Board for a minimum of 1 year before being eligible for re-election to the Board. The exception being, if no person is identified by the May PTO meeting or by the end of the school year to fill a vacant position, that officer may run again with a majority vote approval by the Board. Officers are elected for a term of one (1) year and may serve no more than four (4) consecutive years in the same position.Officers shall assume the official duties of their respective offices at the conclusion of the final day of school of the calendar year.Officers shall be elected in the spring for the following school year.The officers of the Board of the PTO shall consist of no more than two (2) co-presidents, two (2) co-vice presidents, one (1) recording secretary, one (1) corresponding secretary and one (1) treasurer.All teachers and staff are members of the PTO.All officers and committee chairpersons are required to be members of the PTO.Only members shall be eligible to vote at meetings and elections of the Board.Additional members shall be accepted at any time. An annual enrollment of members and collection of dues shall be conducted in the fall of the school year.The amount of dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the members of the Board, before the start of the school year.Any person or family with a child attending Glen Acres Elementary School, who is willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its Bylaws, upon payment of dues, will become a member of the PTO for the term of one academic year.

mtk news membership toolkit

All expenditures shall be for the purpose of enhancing the children’s education.It shall cooperate with the West Chester Area School District School Board and Teachers but shall make no attempt to direct the policies or administrative activities of either. PTO shall be non-partisan, non-commercial and non-sectarian.The purpose of the PTO shall be educational and shall be developed through committees and projects, both instructive and financial.The objective of the PTO shall be to encourage a spirit of cooperation and understanding between the home and the school and to further the welfare of the children through enrichment programs, activities, and financial support.The organization shall have a PTO Executive Board of elected officers and shall be referred to, hereafter, as Board. The name of this organization shall be known as “Glen Acres Parent Teacher Organization” and shall be referred to, hereafter, as PTO. Questions? Email Acres Elementary Parent Teachers Organization, Inc. Make sure to also check out our website and Facebook page! It's a great resource for all things PTO right on your phone. If you haven't already downloaded the MTK, we suggest you do. Have You Downloaded the Membership Toolkit App? Our PTO uses funds raised to support many different opportunities for all our students throughout the school year. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.

#Mtk news membership toolkit update#

Please take a moment to register or update your information today - you'll need to accept the PTO bylaws the first time (you can review at the bottom of this page) you log in to accept membership!

  • Participate in fundraisers throughout the school year.
  • Access the online directory (think birthday invites and playdates).
  • Learn about Social Events for Parents and Students.
  • Receive PTO newsletters and other important communications.
  • Once you create a MTK account, you will have easy access to do the following: Welcome to the Glen Acres PTO's Membership Toolkit site (MTK is what we call it)! This is the tool the PTO will be using to stay connected to Glen Acres families.

    Mtk news membership toolkit